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Load Time


What is Load Time?

Load Time refers to the duration required for a web page or an application to become fully interactive from the moment a user initiates a request.

How is Load Time used?

Load Time heavily influences user experience and conversion rates. Monitoring this metric is vital for optimising user experiences, reducing bounce rates, and improving customer retention. It's crucial during product launches, marketing campaigns, and when scaling operations to assess app responsiveness under different load conditions.

How to calculate Load Time

Average of Sum of All Load Times

Load Time is calculated by taking the average of the sum of all load times for a specific period.

Best Practices

Regularly analyse Load Time using real user monitoring to capture actual user experiences. Use content delivery networks (CDNs) and optimise images and code to improve load speeds.

Common Misconceptions

A common misconception is that Load Time is determined only by server performance. While hosting is significant, front-end elements, such as image sizes and client-side scripts, also play a vital role.




What are the main drivers of Load Time?
  • Server performance
  • Media file sizes
  • Code optimisation
  • Use of caching
  • Use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
How should I break down Load Time?
  • Device
  • Geography
  • Operating system

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